
Iniziativa Sviluppo自1995年以来便是商务建筑,购物中心和酒店领域的全球性房地产专业开发商。

无论是独立运营或与其他伙伴合作,Iniziativa Sviluppo均可做投资者。

Iniziativa Sviluppo能够根据业主和其他投资商的要求,为各种类型的建筑,施工用地的特点和其所在地的市场提供建议;进行城市规划,建设,设计,财务规划;协助处理银行和有关当局的相关事宜;进行项目管理。

值得一提的是,ISG在2006年购买巴里皇宫酒店(Palace Hotel Bari),意大利<<晚邮报>>也大幅报道过此项盛举。 See larger view

GianMario Cazzaniga, A life between bricks and carts

Il Corriere - 22 Luglio 2021

When, more than 35 years ago, the race to develop supermarkets and shopping centres began, he was there, between a building site and a distribution network to be acquired, while the world of commercial distribution was changing profoundly.

Years of apprenticeship at the number One's court, Bernardo Caprotti, who made Esselunga a model for the whole of Europe.

Then other years at the Standa of His Emittance, Silvio Berlusconi, which was the House of the Italians, but in need of so much renovation that in the end it was sold, a part to COIN and another to the Austrians of Billa. A paradox for the Milan that made the Cinque Giornate.

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